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npm typedoc - v0.1.0

OpenMEV Library for SushiSwap's SushiGuard

Potential statuses

  • PENDING - The transaction was received and is currently being submitted to miners
  • INCLUDED - The transaction was included on-chain
  • FAILED - The transaction was submitted for 25 blocks and failed to be included on-chain
  • CANCELLED - The transaction was cancelled by the user and not included on-chain
  • UNKNOWN - The transaction was not received

Typescript Library

// @see <a href="https://github.com/manifoldfinance/libsushi/blob/master/src/SushiGuard/index.ts" class="external">https://github.com/manifoldfinance/libsushi/blob/master/src/SushiGuard/index.ts</a>
* @package OpenMevTxState
* @version 2022.04
* @see {@link docs.openmev.org}
* @notice This is a flashbots-api compatible interface ( ~v0.6 )
* - UNCHECKED -> Tx status has not been checked and there's no information about it.
* - PROCESSING -> Tx checks are in place until a resolution happens: OK, INDETERMINATE, ERROR.
* - OK -> Relay received the Tx && all downstream miners accepted without complains && tx mined successfully
* - INDETERMINATE -> Relay received correctly the Tx && at least one miner accepted the TX && TX potentially mineable
* - ERROR -> Relay hasn't received the TX || none of the miners accepted the Tx || Tx was not mined successfully

export enum PrivateTxState {
OK = 'OK',

export type RelayResponses = Record<string, RelayResponse>;

export interface RelayResponse {
response: JsonRpcResponse<any>;
error?: string;

export interface PrivateTxStatus {
transactionHash: string;
receivedAt: string;
relayedAt?: string;
minedAt?: string;
relayFailure?: boolean;
relayResponses?: RelayResponses;

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