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Name Type Description Notes
blockNumber Integer Block in which trade occurred. [optional] [default to null]
logIndex Integer Index in which transaction was included in block. [optional] [default to null]
orderUid String Unique identifier for the order: 56 bytes encoded as hex with `0x` prefix. Bytes 0 to 32 are the order digest, bytes 30 to 52 the owner address and bytes 52..56 valid to, [optional] [default to null]
owner String Ethereum 40 byte address encoded as a hex with `0x` prefix. [optional] [default to null]
sellToken String Ethereum 40 byte address encoded as a hex with `0x` prefix. [optional] [default to null]
buyToken String Ethereum 40 byte address encoded as a hex with `0x` prefix. [optional] [default to null]
sellAmount String Amount of a token. uint256 encoded in decimal. [optional] [default to null]
sellAmountBeforeFees String A big unsigned integer encoded in decimal. [optional] [default to null]
buyAmount String Amount of a token. uint256 encoded in decimal. [optional] [default to null]
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