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OpenMEV Platform Documentation¶
- Strategy and Implementation details
- End User information
- Help Desk and Troubleshooting
- Searcher Integration
- Formulas and Proofs
- Technical: Technical overview on specific category
The SushiSwap integration provides a service that realizes profit by transaction batching for the purposes of arbitrage by controlling transaction ordering.
Right now every user sends a transaction directly to the network mempool and thus give away the arbitrage, front-running, back-running opportunities to miners(or random bots).
OpenMEV provides a credibly neutral platform that enables aggregation of transactions (batching) for the purposes of extracting MEV profits and returning them back to the traders.
What is credible neutrality
"...that it is not just neutrality that is required here, it is credible neutrality. That is, it is not just enough for a mechanism to not be designed to favor specific people or outcomes over others; it’s also crucially important for a mechanism to be able to convince a large and diverse group of people that the mechanism at least makes that basic effort to be fair."
- Vitalik Buterin, credible neutrality as a guiding principle
This ethos is at the heart of OpenMEV. Part of establishing credible neutrality is having a clear and comprehensive rule book that regulates off-chain behavior and activities. Our assumption concerning governance is that methods and processes that work in legacy markets may not be applicable in adversarial environments such as permissionless blockchains. With that understanding it is important not to rely solely on such systems and mechanics long term.
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